Preserve the presentation of your meals, with the dual functionality of these Churchill indigo rectangle baking dishes.
Perfect for both serving and baking in, these dishes from Churchill grant you the option of using one dish for both functions. This can really help you to preserve the presentation of your food, as transferring it from a dish to a plate can often ruin its look and appeal. Using the same dish also helps you to decrease your amount of washing up, saving time on your clean down procedures. Stylish and charming, the dishes are certainly attractive enough for serving in, with a clean and fresh white base colour, along with hand decorated indigo speckles and rim edging. This hand decoration makes every dish unique and exclusive to your service, which can be really important for a restaurant’s style and image in such a mass produced society. Constructed from a super vitrified material, this makes the dishes incredibly strong and resilient, capable of standing up to the rigours of your commercial venue, and saving you money on buying replacements.
Start using the same dish for cooking and serving now with these baking dishes from expert brand Churchill.
SKU 016774:017024
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